Map of Fanjingshan

Where to stay when you pay a visit to Fanjingshan:

Most travelers will spend one night in Fanjingshan or Tongren City when paying the visit. No accommodation is provided in the scenic area. But, there are four best areas for you to select your accommodation.

Stay at the foot of Fanjingshan: To avoid long queue and get atop of the Mount Fanjing in the morning, it is recommended to stay at the foot of Fanjingshan. Most of the hotels are 3-star or 4-star with comfortable facilities.

Stay in Jiangkou County: Jiangkou County is the closest county to the entrance of Mount Fanjing. It only takes about 0.5 hours from Jiangkou to the mountain. Choices are a lot with more than 100 hotels ranging from 3-star to 4 star. So, the accommodation at Jiangkou county is a good choice in the peak season.

Stay in Tongren City: Tongren City is close to the airport and train stations. If you look for better accommodation or arrive in Tongren in the late evening, you can choose to stay in Tongren City.

Useful & Overall Fanjingshan Maps

To have a clear idea about where is Fanjingshan located, how to transfer to Fanjingshan with detailed transportation, and how to visit this sacred mountain, you can have a browse at our 2025 latest Fanjingshan maps. All the maps will help you get a better understanding about how to plan your tour to Mount Fanjing. Feel free to view, downtown and use them!
